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A Ten-Lane Highway Through the Amazon (Ants Only)

Wednesday, February 26

Our last day at the hot, sticky, rainy, wonderful Limoncocha! For breakfast we got a new dish made of verde, green plantain. The dish is called majado in Spanish, or techudo in Kichwa. Even though any Ecuadorian would have considered this recipe ridiculously easy, I am challenged in the kitchen, so I took step-by-step notes.

We boated to the trailhead for Sendero del Caiman, Path of the Caiman.
The view from our "front porch." Fausto said the lake was open water here a few years ago. Now, the boat has a hard time navigating, and the outpost farther along the lake had to be abandoned. It's the opposite problem from Louisiana's, where marshland is giving way to open water at an alarming rate.

Motorized canoeing.

The perfect liana bench!

The GIANT ceibo tree!

The tree that sheds its skin "like a burned gringo."

The clearing where the local family is erecting a new set of tourist cabins.

A tall ficus which is completely hollow, yet still living. Where do the xylem and the phloem flow, I wonder?

This time, my camera was charged, so I could photograph a few bug photos for Dad.

One-legged grasshopper.

Funny-headed walking stick.

Having six legs has gone out of style, apparently. So 2013. 


Worm on a seed pod.


A city of leaf-cutter ants. I was so impressed by how these industrious little insects managed to keep a clearing in a forest where space is so aggressively sought. 

A leaf-cutter highway. The trails really were like interstates -- ten lanes wide and cleared of all detritus. This one even when into a tunnel!

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