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Frisbee Love is Universal

Day 7: Sunday, January 12th

The bus ride was great! I wish I could have looked out the window at the scenery, but sleep was too wonderful.

We arrived at our Sunday destination, a dingy waterpark called Parque Aventurah, at 10:30am. Everyone erupted with a chaotic jumble of questions. “Are we getting back on the bus before rafting?” “Can we take our bags into the park?” “How big are the lockers?” “Is the zipline free?” “Does someone have extra sunscreen?”

We had about an hour before our rafting trip, but due to the confusion we didn’t do much. I didn’t want to swim because I didn’t know if I’d have a chance to reapply sunscreen. Plus, the sky was overcast. I wish I’d taken out my camera and found some birds! Instead, I played on a decrepit see-saw and lollygagged by the pool

Then it was time for rafting. I hoped the trip would be better than my first rafting experience in Eastern Washington, when my lifejacket had been so tight I’d felt like I was suffocating the whole time.

We gathered on a grassy hill and donned moldy-smelling life jackets and colorful plastic helmets. I was in the yellow-helmet group with five other AZP students. We filed onto the rusty metal bus we had avoided earlier in the parking lot. I heard grumbles all around, but I was excited to finally experience the sensations of the world. We’ve spent the past week driving around the state of São Paulo in a cushy, air-conditioned charter bus with chilled water and drink holders. Today, I sat on a high, flat-backed aluminum bench and hung by head out the wide-open window. I felt every bump in the road and every fleck of dust in my eyes. I smelled oncoming rain and cow manure. I heard tweeting birds as we whizzed by trees and streams. That bus ride was the first time I felt alive all week.

By the time we arrived at the end of the dirt road, angry dark storm-clouds had gathered. We heard distant rumbling thunder. “In the States, we wouldn’t be allowed to step onto a soccer field in this weather,” I mused to a classmate.

“This is Brazil, baby!” he replied, grinning. Brazil it was.

The river rafting was my first encounter with Brazilian forest. I’m living in the country that contains over half of the world’s remaining tropical forest, and I hadn’t seen a wild patch of trees yet! We carried our paddles down a rickety flight of wooden steps to the muddy water. Tropical bushes with glossy, heart-shaped leaves draped over the water’s surface. Palms and other evergreens crowded the banks. We loaded the boats and practiced obeying basic Portuguese commands. My favorite was, “Piso!” for “Get down on the floor of the raft because we’re going over a waterfall!”

We drifted down the river for what felt like hours. We passed over occasional rapids and four true waterfalls, but most of the trip was smooth and calm. At one point, the banks were composed of steep, slick, solid black rock. I wondered about the geology. Was this riverbed the result of a volcanic eruption? I also grew curious about the trees. Was this a primary forest? Or had the surrounding pastures once encroached all the way to the river? Was the river now a protected park? Did it provide enough habitat to sustain many animal species? I knew that if I’d been on my Ecuador program, we would have been discussing these topics for the whole ride.

When we got back to the water park we were soaked. I felt much freer, and had a great time chasing friends up and down the water slide. We got creative: head first down the slide, five at a time, climbing back up through the water… Finally a park official wandered over and clarified the rules (all of which we had broken), but by then we were ready to hit the showers anyway.

I got out my camera to photograph the many songbirds and vultures I’d noticed around the park, but I only got the chance to take one photo before we had to leave!

At least it was a cool shot – this bird was bringing nesting material to its mud-cave.

Back in the plush, reclining seats of our bus, I couldn’t resist another nap, but I noticed a few things out the window: fields of sugarcane and plantations of eucalyptus, oranges, and pines.

Tropical palms dot a massive sugarcane field.

A patch of eucalyptus trees stands alone.

Our "small" city looks pretty large from this angle!

Welcome home!

I don't know how well they show up in this photo, but a hundred black vultures were circling above the city!

We finally got a free evening, hooray! I caught up on some bird analysis from my photos, updated my blog, e-mailed my family, and started a scholarship application. I even had time for a short neighborhood run with Holden and Christine. For dinner I split a hamburger with Rachael at a new sandwich shop. The burgers came in three sizes so we went for the grande, but when the plate came we realized we were each going to get a larger-than-edible meal. My half-burger was bigger than any hamburger I’ve ever seen!

I got ready for bed early, feeling refreshed from a day out of the classroom. I hung my wet clothes to dry, showered, brushed my teeth, and snuggled into bed wearing PJs. The clock read 10:30pm. Finally, I was going to get that early night!

I just wanted to finish my bird blog first. Then my boyfriend got on Facebook and we talked for the first time in way too long. My roommate was still journaling when I finally turned out my light at 1am. I am incapable of going to bed early. MUST TRY AGAIN TOMORROW.

Day 8: Monday, January 13th

Today was our last day of Brazilian history/economics with Professor Pedro, and it was the first day we got to choose our own lunch restaurants. People scattered, but Erin, Sejal and I decided to tag along with Juliana to a Japanese restaurant. Since there were only four of us, we got to ride in Juliana’s car!

Riding in a car doesn’t sound that exciting, but sitting shotgun in the hot, humid air with loud Brazilian music blaring and the window down was incredible. I felt like I was in a movie montage about the perfect high-school summer.

We all ordered sushi. Most of the menu items were seaweed cones, to be eaten like a burrito. Juliana and Erin got Philadelphia cones, which looked delicious. Sejal got a “simple salmon cone,” and I got salmon rolls like the ones in the States. Sejal’s looked great – absolutely packed with chunks of sake, raw salmon. I ordered green tea and got a can of sweetened diet tea – tasty, but not what I was expecting. I wasn’t full after my rolls so I ordered a simple salmon cone like Sejal’s. It was about four parts salmon to one part rice, amazing value but not the ideal ratio! It cost around $5.00. I managed to eat almost my whole cone, but had to leave some perfectly good salmon sashimi on my plate. Next time I want to go with three friends who love salmon so we can split the simple salmon cone with lots of extra rice.

As we walked back to Juliana’s car, the stormy skies which had been swirling all day reached a breaking point. Lightning and thunder cracked at the same time and palm trees whipped back and forth. We started driving down the road and noticed giant sheets of paper flying off the roof of a skyscraper. As the sheets got closer, I heard a weird metallic banging and realized they were huge sheets of tin! It was a thrilling moment until the light turned green and we drove out of harm’s way.

Suddenly the rain began. I hung my head out the window and let the water soak my hair. The rain was POUNDING! The gutters flooded and the windshield was obscured under a waterfall. We barely made it to school, where Juliana advised us to wait in the car. I was too excited and ended up dancing around in the rain. When I got back to the classroom, it looked like I had showered in my clothes. I pretty much had.

In the afternoon we began our second class which, it turns out, is also about Brazilian history and economics. We went through the same historical events, including Prince Henry the Navigator. I felt like it was a waste of time to revisit the same topics again, but at least this time they were in chronological order and were much easier to keep straight. Our new professor has a good sense of humor.

After class, we all followed Juliana on a round-about route to our planned soccer game against some Brazilian students. Most of us had been wearing our athletic clothes all day. I was so excited to get outside that I couldn’t keep still. I wanted to be goalie and dive in the grass. I also had a disc packed in case people wanted to play pick-up ultimate after the game.

We were all thoroughly disappointed when we realized that due to the afternoon rain, we would be playing in a gym. Nooooooo! I warmed up by tossing my disc with Erin. We had tons of fun before the game even started. I goal-kept a shutout game, then switched to forward and assisted a few goals. Pure luck, but it felt great to run around and be competitive.

Then a Brazilian girl pointed to my disc. “You want to play?” I asked. I’m sure my whole face lit up. A crew of eight of us – half Ohio, half Brazil – left the gym for a soccer field out back. We threw the disc in a circle, everyone cheering everyone else. These students had never played ultimate before, but they automatically embodied Spirit of the Game.

Through a mixture of Spanish, English, and Portuguese, I explained how to play ultimate and we all enthusiastically battled in a game to ten. I was so impressed by the effort, heart, and humor of everyone involved. People who had never thrown a disc tried hucks and got Ds. When the sun set, we were all sad to go home and immediately made plans to connect over Facebook and reconvene next week. “Every day!” cheered one of the women.

Our incredible frisbee crew!

“Can I keep the frisbee?” she asked in cautious English.

“Of course!” I replied. The disc had gotten cracked during the game, and I had another one in my suitcase.

We all signed the disc before we parted ways. “I’ll hang this on my wall,” the woman told me happily. “And I’ll keep you all in my heart!” We finally left after a group hug. Frisbee love is universal. <3

Those Aren't Squirrels!

Here are two more daily journal recaps for your enjoyment. The series began here if you want to start from the beginning. Divirta-se!

Day 5: Friday, January 10th

Second day of classes! We spent a solid six hours on Brazilian economic history. We watched two episodes of Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steeland discussed events through the 1800s. Taking computer notes was a great improvement over writing by hand, and I started to accept our unchronological order. It was still a challenge to stay awake, especially during the movies.

Those movies are killer. Photo credit Erin Homerosky.
Lunch took place at yet another por kilo buffet. During our coffee break, I tossed my frisbee with AJ and Juliana, our wonderful Brazilian guide and life-saver. Tossing a frisbee was one of the best experiences I’ve had in Brazil so far! Gotta do that more often!

Survival Portuguese Class #2 focused on food, and that came in handy at Piracaçaí, the new restaurant we tried for dinner. The restaurant was açaí berry themed. Have you heard of that purple, antioxidant-rich berry? Chocolate covered açai, açai smoothies… Well Brazilians are even more crazy about it than Americans. Luckily there were no berries in my tuna sandwich.

Now I’m back in the hotel room, trying and failing (yet again) at sleeping early. When Shirota took us through the schedule today, I realized how little free time we are going to have for the next six weeks! Nearly every moment is scheduled, and the mornings are early. We only have twelve days of classes, which is pretty incredible when you consider twelve days out of an entire semester. On the other hand, the classes are eight hours each day with the same professor in the same classroom. It’s only our second day, but if I could give two pieces of feedback about the AZP Brazil trip, they would be these:

  • Downtime. It’s impossible to pack everything about a country into a six-week trip, so I understand why we're so busy. However, I’ve realized that my brain stops processing and appreciating new experiences when it doesn’t have downtime. For me, this involves going through photos, writing down the birds I see each day, and reading books. With eight-hour classes, group meals, this daily journal, and preparation for our hour-long group presentation, I’m not getting enough sleep, and definitely not enough downtime. I haven’t had time to walk the campus or explore Piracicaba. I feel the experience would be improved if classes were two hours shorter each day but took up a couple extra days.

    Chilling outside during a precious break.

  • Experiential learning. Looking ahead, I see a ton of experiential learning in the itinerary. Tours of a sugarcane processing plant, T-shirt factory, McDonald’s bun factory, dairy farm, Iguaçu Falls, and much more. I also see twelve days of solid classroom time, and the two classes I have experienced so far haven’t been as inspiring as I’d hoped. I would love for the classroom and experiential learning to be more integrated. During my last semester in Ecuador, we spent three hours per day in the classroom, and the rest of the day exploring the city, snorkeling, hiking, or touring. I never tired of either classroom or experiential learning, since each one reenergized me for the other. Classroom time allowed me to build background knowledge before field trips or clarify points after. Field trips inspired me to ask questions and build a deeper understanding through books and classes. For example, a trip to a church or museum would tie in well with our current lectures about Portuguese colonialism, and I bet our tour of the dairy farm would be even better if we could spend a couple hours reflecting on it with an animal sciences professor.

      The classroom where we live.
    I don't like to give constructive criticism without a positive side, so here are my two favorite things about the program so far:

    • The trip is in Brazil instead of a comfortable, English-speaking European country
    • The trip is six weeks long, far more valuable than Mizzou’s ten-day trip.
    Definitely not an English-speaking country!
    Now for that early night! Well, midnight is better than 1:30am, at least. It’s a goal in progress. Boa noite!

    Day 6: Saturday, January 11th

    Finally, the weekend! Oh, never mind. We have class on Saturday. Sad face.

    On a positive note, MONKEYS!

    As we walked through the gated entrance to campus, I noticed these strange squirrels on a tree... But they definitely weren't squirrels!

    We didn’t seem to worry them at all.
    There were seven little black-tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix kuhlii) spread across two trees. (Thanks Mom for that ID!) One monkey scrambled down to the ground and nibbled on a piece of fruit. The guards leave apples and bananas out for the monkeys sometimes.